User Posts: Azad Shaikh
5 Quick Tips to Sell More

1. Tell him what you lose It is not enough to tell your customer what they earn when you buy your product. Tell him what you lose if you do not buy it. Many ...

20 Things You Might Don’t Know About STEVE JOBS

`I had been inspired by Steve Jobs for his entrepreneur skills.  So I researched a lot about him on internet and came up with a list of 20 very informative ...

The Geek’s Introduction to Twitter

Those who already may know what is Twitter, probably will not find anything interesting here, sorry, :(. But you can follow us at ...

Time Management – You Will Love This

I want to address an issue that affects our day to day not only in our working lives but also in our personal and family life, and what better to start with ...

7 Ideas to Make Your Website Sell

Starting to sell on a website is not as simple as that. In fact, it's almost normal to see that entrepreneurs start a website and believe that by merely ...

3 Keys to Release The Creativity of Any Groups

Sooner or later, any group that works together, whether employees of the same office, volunteers in a nonprofit organization,Creativity or leaders of a ...

Affiliates Marketing Never Explained So Simply

The affiliate marketing has been a staple of the scene of Internet marketing for many years. It is widely used to generate Affiliates Marketing Never Explained ...

Smart Way To Get Your Website Indexed by Google

The easiest and quickest way to appear on Google and is not through its direct inclusion system. Google can take several months to index a site like this. ...

97 Ways to Keep Yourself Motivated

Everyone needs some kind of motivation so i had try to list out 97 points for your motivation. Please read them carefully and they are worth the ...

User Articles: Azad Shaikh
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Browsing All Comments By: Azad Shaikh
  1. Yes, all the listed crimpers can pass through the RJ45 connectors.

  2. Yes, I had received your coupon request. I will send you one very soon.

  3. Yes. Some of them still works.

  4. Do you mean in method 6?

  5. I don’t know any free method to get FB coupons. There is one unethical way to get them. You have to buy services where they provide FB vouchers and then cancel it after getting the voucher. I don’t prefer it though.

  6. Twitter account is required to get this extra free money. Also now they had changed it to $1. 🙁

  7. Unfortunately they changed it to $1. 🙁

  8. We do not promote unethical email account hacking. Please do not promote such tools here.

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